Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone hope you've enjoyed the Christmas celebrations! It is actually Boxing Day here (the day after Christmas) but I'm aware that all my readers are overseas and Christmas will just be finishing!
So how is everyone? How did your day go?
For me it was lovely! Unfortuanately though I was rather tired. The week leading upto Christmas was full of work, so Christmas became like my day of rest tehe. Which I reckon is exactly how it should be, dontcha reckon? Especially considering the lead-up is always so hectic! All the gift wrapping, deliveries, shopping, baking etc etc. Why not enjoy the day stressfree. Easy said than done though I suppose. Anyway so the day started out with us all getting up at about 9oclock. Usually I'm an early bird but yeah not this year tehe-I enjoyed my sleep in. I started this tradition about four years ago where I read the Christmas story in the book of Luke first thing in the morning. So that's exactly what I did and I lit a scented candle. (I bought this box of scented candles like ages ago and only ever use it on Christmas day, so the scent always reminds me of Christmas :D ) At about 10 everyone else was up and so we then opened one present. My second oldest brother and his family come over in the afternoon and thats when we do all the gift opening. So the first present I opened were my chocolates. Thats another tradition out family does. We each get like a box of chocolates. Usually scorched almonds or Roses. I know! As if we couldnt get anymore calories in one day! So then after that we mucked round. Then had Christmas dinner (turkey and the works :D) and then my bro came round yay! Time to open pressies! You should have seen our living room! Absolutely full of wrapping paper. Thats what happens when you stuff 11 people in our tiny lounge :p Absolutely love it. Was fantastic seeing my nephews little faces light up at each gift! I should post photos (yes I will do that just not today sorry folks!) Tehe so after that we had pudding yum! Pavalova, eclairs (fyi its summer was HOOOT!), trifle (my fav), and fruit salad :) Dreamy.
Ummm then half my fam disappeard. (My older bros went camping lol). But algood cos my younger bros and I did what we do every year. Yeap we watched the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and had turkey sandwiches :D. Yumo! So that my friends was my CHristma! How was you guys and girls? :)
Anyway my bro wants to use the comp so will write another time! Maybs when I'm on holiday next week Win!.
God bless H x