Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hey folks!
Its 12.30. Am. So I thought it was time to update the ol blogger. So currently in the lounge (thats living room for most of you readers) and am trying to avoid watching whats on the television. The boys have a horror playing. Involves some guy attempting to stay in a haunted hotel room. Rather spooky. Not really my cup of tea.
So this month has been incredibly mild, weather wise. Its very odd for our July to reach like 18 degrees but it has and I am not complaining. The sun is shining. The air is warm. And the daffadols are out. Spring is seemingly on its way.Its crazy. But it kinda rocks.
This month I also began a fast. The Daniel Fast. Its kinda hard but I know I'll benefit from it. So for those not familiar, the Daniel Fast consists of drinking only water and vegetables. This includes fruits,and pulses ie seeds and grains. I got some info on it here.
I'm currently on day five and to be honest it hasnt been the easiest. Instead of focusing on God I've found my self focusing on what to have for lunch the next day and what would go good with tofu, or banana or whatever. It's been really annoying. Also really hard in the beverage department. I mean this is the longest time in years that I'v been without a cup of tea. Kinda crazy. Real miss peanut butter of all things too. Because the kind we have has sugar in it and so if I was to have any I need to invest in a purely natural kind. So yeah not sure if its worth the pennies tobe honest. But I'm pressing on. God told me to do it, so as hard as it may be I'll persevere. This website has definately helped though, so if any of you dear readers, feel led to fast the 'Daniel' way then I definately reccommend taking a look.
Not sure if I mentioned in previous posts, but my brother along with his wife and children have moved house. They now reside a few hours from Christchurch City (so four hours from us). Quite a change for them as the town they're in is a small farming community compared to the city life they're used to. They have adjusted nicely however and a few weeks back my nephews came and stayed with us over a weekend. Was great having them around again. :)
Also we have a new addition to our family. A new baby. He's black. And he's a very energetic little fella. Before I confuse you all, I'm speaking of Stuart/Bunny/Rabbitat (name yet to be decided). He's a wee wild rabbit that my brother recieved from his boss. Sooo we get to keep him! Talk about exciting huh!? He's soo adorable. As soon as I get a good pic I'll post it on here. (Along with all the other photos I've promised to upload haha).
Not much else has been going on latley. Winter is coming to a close (fingers crossed). Like as much as I like winter I really cant wait til Spring, and my birthday ;). Though I'll be twenty soo..mayby I can wait a wee bit haha.
Things with God have been interesting. Been learning about putting God first in my day. Few years back I would have my prayer time really early in the morning and now my prayer time is almost at the end of the day, if that! It's been frustrating. So am trying hard to get that back on track. Really I gotta stop burning the midnight oil and just get to bed on time. Think I'll benefit alot more spiritually and definately physically.
Speaking of bed, think I'll head there. Til next time!