Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i like blogging - this p pointless lol

yeah so today is wednesday. not much is happening atm tbh, but thats alright i can still write about things. so on this bloggy thing im actually following this girl called Blair and heck her photography is awesome -check it out lol (dont even know y i put that seeing as noone is following me..yet :p) and yeah im taking photography this year so was cool coming across her profile as it's actually pretty inspirational.
hmm so have a ball/prom to go to on friday-yay! if i knew how to upload photos on blog, i would, but i dont so sorry non-exsistant folks :D
anyway have already had my school ball-check out photos on my facebook(same email, as this) and so this my second one this year yay..forgot where i was going with this..hmm never mind
well ok so atm am listening to David Wilkerson on his sermon thing on his website (World Challenge), it real good, its called 'the path to hope' and honestly the emotion in his voice is just oh so real! time is running out folks- JESUS IS COMING!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The haps

okay so im real bad at updating this, but in saying that, i have no-one following me yet, so it not really a huge issue lol
so like anyway im back to school now and yeah its been okay i guess. Once again im totally over the gossip and dirty talk that goes on at my school. Like honestly can some people please grow up! but yeah i guess its this time and generation we living in. Jesus said things would get tougher and satans running outta time.
hmm so yeah i had a two week break and it was lovely! we had this cool as group from a place called Wanganui and they came down where i live and held these awesome as meetings with like freee worship! was amazing! they were like a breathe of fresh air. I guess we just not really used to that kinda stuff here in Fairlie, but oh well, Gods got some sweet plans for Fairlie.
okay so what did bother me at the meetings, was well meeting this guy who asked for my num and i sillyly said yes. then he said how beautiful i was etc (you know guys can be like) and i began to like him..yeah i know, who does that (meaning me). but yeah then i never hear from him then...well long story short i fell for a silly guy and it was p much pointless.
dont even know y im writing this, but o well.
okay i was listenin to a message today and it was real cool like by a guy called Miles Munroe(he talks real good messages on the kingdom) and like he was saying how Peter said to Jesus "I will follow you and die with you etc' then Jesus said 'the devil has now required of you etc" and this is saying that whatver we say we should expect satan to test us with it, to see whether we mean what we really say. its p much about what we say is what we can expect. real good words aye!
hmm better go, have to log off in 10 mins!
God bless

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why's no one following me?

okay so I know no-one is following me yet...but they will. So i'll continue to write whats happening. okay so in New Zealand (which is where i'm from, just in case you didn't catch that) it is mid-winter, and today we had our first snowfall..yay! though I have a feeling it stopped and i have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with my mother. You see she tends to go in her prayer closet (not literally of course) and pray for God to send it away! lol it's rather interesting really, though I must admit a tad annoying, i mean i want a few days off school tehe.
hmm well things with God have been going great! I just feel He's totally drawing me in right now, Praise Him! Well i better go, i need some sleep.