Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why's no one following me?

okay so I know no-one is following me yet...but they will. So i'll continue to write whats happening. okay so in New Zealand (which is where i'm from, just in case you didn't catch that) it is mid-winter, and today we had our first snowfall..yay! though I have a feeling it stopped and i have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with my mother. You see she tends to go in her prayer closet (not literally of course) and pray for God to send it away! lol it's rather interesting really, though I must admit a tad annoying, i mean i want a few days off school tehe.
hmm well things with God have been going great! I just feel He's totally drawing me in right now, Praise Him! Well i better go, i need some sleep.

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