Sunday, October 25, 2009

My testimony

I recently sent my testimony to a lady who is writing a book called First Love - go to where you too can submitt your testimony. so heres mine anyway.

Hi my name is Hannah,

On August 25th 2006, I became a born-again Christian. It all began about a few months before this date. I was 14 at the time and going through the usual rebellious teenage phase. Growing up in a Christian home I knew about God, and religiously read the bible and my mother especially was very spiritual, but I didn't really take any of it in. I wanted to take part in the "amazing" activities of my peers and so listening to my mother's advise wasn't very important in my life at the time. 
There were things in my life that I loved and didn't want to let go. An example of this was my almost two year collection of Dolly magazines. I knew it was an idol as my daily bible reading had been replaced. But one day (in June) my friend invited me along to youth group and i thoroughly enjoyed it. But it wasnt until about the third meeting that I was truelly affected by it. That night one of the ladies leading it began to talk about the parable of the seed sower and the different gound it landed on. She talked about the ground with thorns and then began to elaborate on this saying how it could be anything in our lives. She mentioned friends, television, movies etc but what really hit me was when she said magazines.
 As soon as I got home that night I got everyone one of my magazines and began to rip them up. I could have just thrown them out but I knew I had to rip them up; it was a symbol of finally letting ago.

About a month after this I had heard about a camp that a few people in my youth group were about to attend. I knew I just had to go and so they managed to just squeeze me in. But on the day before camp, I showed mum the form thing (um the piece of paper that shows what to bring and about the camp) and when she read the name of it (ImagineNations) she began to be concerned and almost didnt allow me to go. She thought it sounded like a new age camp as she read it as Imaginations not Imagine Nations. Thankfully after protesting she allowed me to go and it was one the most life changing decisions ever. 

The first night of camp a woman talked about one of the first times she experienced the presence of God. She told us how she spent 3 hours in His wonderful presence and how she simply could not leave, literally. Now I knew about the presence of God, I saw it numourous amount of times on Benny Hinn when my parents were watching it. But i never experienced it personally. So after this amazing testiomony, we had worship time and this time for the first time in my life I asked God to feel his presence. I wanted to know if He really existed, I wanted feel for myself what I'd seen on Benny Hinn and why my parents were adament to follow in this path. Little did I realise God would answer almost immediately. With my hands raised, eyes closed I began to feel this immense heat. My eyes began to like quiver if you will and then I began to shake. It was absolutely crazy but wonderful and oh so real. 
I began to pray for someone to come over and pray for me; also I wanted the gift of tongues. Noticing my lack of balance at this present time, my friend asked someone to pray for me and as another woman prayed I fell to the ground. 
At this point I just felt immense joy. I was crying yet it was all happy tears. Then I could hear the organiser say that it was time for supper, and everyone left the room. And i mean every single person. 
I attemped to get up and follow, but God wasnt finished with me yet. I couldnt even lift my head, His presence was so strong; I was having the same experience than that of the woman who spoke that night! It was awesome, but soon this joy faded. In this now empty room, I began to hear child-like footsteps and this fear began to fall on me. I knew it was spiritual and represented a demon if not satan himself. I began to pray out loud but all that came out was a repitition of a "t" sound which I later learned was a beginning of my new heavenly language. God had answered my prayer. 
I also felt to pray for my brother and my dad I later learned they were in need); and after praying, the woman who spoke that night, accompanied by the worship leader came in and asked if I needed prayer.
 I asked with much difficulty for faith, an increase in confidence, and also to remove my fear of sickness (in 2005 I went to hospital because of a non-stop bleeding nose). 
What I went through as a result of praying I would refer to as deliverence. For about 15mins I let out loud sobbing and screaming. It was a highly emotional time. I made so much noise my friend, (two rooms away), gathered some of our companions, and waited outside the door, in prayer for me. I was about to be freed! And indeed I was!
After this momentous occasion, more joy fell all through me. For the first time, after an hour and a half, i was able to lift myself up but I could not stop speaking in tongues and laughing. It was just an uncontrollable laughter, that soon spread to my now relieved friends. I had now found God, I'd now accepted Him into my life.

It's now been more than three wonderful years serving Jesus. I've had my ups and downs but He has seen me through. I'm very blessed to have gone to that camp. I will never forget it.

thanks for reading

Friday, October 2, 2009

A pretty cool article from

Movies and television feature your favorite stars sipping champagne elegantly from long-stemmed glasses. And most sitcoms show the entire cast guzzling beer, wine-coolers or liquor.

Call me weird, but I’m not joining them. (Actually, don’t call me at all if you’re going to drink. I won’t be joining you.)

But Jesus . . .
I know. I know.

I can hear you thinking through the page of this magazine: But Susie! Even Jesus drank. His first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding.

If you’re seriously using that as your excuse to drink, you’re showing your ignorance. Do your research!

OK, because you haven’t, I’ll do the research for you. Here it is: In the Greek language—the language in which the New Testament was written—there are two words for wine: oinos and sikera. Sikera means strong drink. Oinos was about one in 20 (at the most a half percent) of alcohol.

We need to understand that Jesus didn’t create some kind of drunken orgy at the wedding when He transformed water into wine.

Jesus didn’t make sikera at the wedding.
He didn’t make American beer.
He didn’t make American 12 percent wine-coolers.
He didn’t make 30 percent Jack Daniels.
What did He make? Jesus made Biblical oinos. It was actually grape juice with a tiny bit of fermentation for purification. When Jesus turned water into wine, we need to understand that it was not the wine people are dinking today.

The Bible always condemns strong drink—sikera. Jesus didn’t make sikera.

Just One Drink
Well . . . I don’t think one drink will hurt me. What a copout! Each person’s body reacts differently to alcohol. Why put yourself at risk? First of all, if you’re reading this magazine, you’re not even old enough to drink. And when you are old enough, why put something into your body that you could become easily addicted to?

Get this: Two million deaths occurred worldwide last year because of alcohol. (I got that statistic from Two million! And guess what started it all? One drink.

But, Susie, people in the Bible drank.

Yes, they did. And the Old Testament gives several examples of people engaging in sinful behavior because
of drinking. Check out something else the Old Testament says: “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led
astray by them is not wise” (Proverbs 20:1).

Remember the prophet Daniel? “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. . . ” (Daniel 1:8). He knew that drinking would defile himself before God. There’s a lot of wisdom in that!

Look at the warning Isaiah gives: “Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks” (Isaiah 5:22).

But didn’t the apostle Paul tell Timothy to drink wine?
Yes . . . FOR HIS COUGH. Paul was instructing Timothy to use it as medicine. It was the closest thing they had to cough medicine in those days. And Paul wasn’t talking about sikera—strong wine. He was encouraging Timothy to drink oinos—grape juice with a tiny bit of fermentation for purification. Timothy wasn’t drinking to escape, to fit in at a party or to dull his senses. He drank a small bit of wine as medicine. The Bible is filled with warnings of the dangers of drinking intoxicating wine.

My Personal Choice
I never want to hear, “Woe to you!” from my heavenly Father. Neither do I want to defile myself. I belong to Jesus Christ.

I don’t want to become dependent on anything besides God. My heart cry is, “Jesus, I love You! I’m in love with You. And I truly want to become ALL You dream for me to be!”

So I’m not going to risk messing up His best plan for my life with alcohol. That’s why I’ve never tasted beer, and that’s why I never will. I refuse to drink. I’m too in love with Christ.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know your thoughts: and label your e-mail DRINKING.


Hey everyone (speaking pretty much to myself coz im pretty sure theres no followers lol)
Anyway thought id update, sad eh. and anyway today it the second of October, YAY! thats means
summer is just round the corner. Cannot wait! it also means I only have four more weeks of school and exams...ever!!
how freaky, yeah ill be like a bum lol I'll hve to find a job in my hood.
oh yes last month i turned 18! yeah I'm actually an adult now. It's pretty wierd aye tbh i still feel and act like a
kid so meh lol.
so yes at the mo im on a two week break. One week is pretty much over and so one more week to go...grrr i like holidays
way toomuch to have to give in to my education! "waaaaaaah"
well i guess thats it from me.
till next time lol
Love h.