Monday, April 26, 2010


Wow! this month has gone by soo quickly! I mean flip Mays just round the corner...then June! and then it'd be like half-way through 2010 already (btw do you peeps call it 'twenty ten' or "two thousand and ten"? Personally i go with the latter cos 'twenty ten's just weird lol) Anyway so at the beginning of the month it was easter and down my end it was amazing cos I attended Easter Camp woot woot!! (how'd you guys easter go? :) )
Anyway i really had a great time!! and thats pretty much what this post is gonna be about :). So yeah there were 46 of us Fairlie folk (which is huge for us!) that attending! It was a mixture of non-believers and believers that went and praise Jesus they all saw or felt His presense during it.. :D
Um not sure what i was gonna say now......Um....... Here its raining btw (just thought id throw that in lol hows the weather in the US?? (cos you guys are all from there) Sigh you'll be in Spring about bliss! :)
Hmm think I'll just talk about the last night of camp cos thats when i felt it was the best!!!!! So at the Big Top (which was the huge marquee that we went for the meetings-held in like 4000 peeps!) we were worshipping and the presense of God began to fall and i just couldnt stop shaking and it just didnt want to stop! it was wonderful :) but at the same time i was like God i think you can stop now lol its getting too much and im not really concentrating on the preacher...but it didnt until near the end, and then we had more worship and flip God just shook up our youth group. Peeps had been affected by the message (i wish i could remember it lol) and so those who responded were kindly asked to stand so then us leaders could go round and pray for them. And flip it was amzing. Like i was super stoked cos we'd pray for someone and like not really expecting anything to happen really, but then afterward they would be crying and i know tears arnt anything too major but it just shows how God can move. :)
Then things went awesome to awesomer lol You see after that i began to um how you say..have the "Holy Ghost" laughter and then like randomly (or God inspired should i say) this girl comes upto me and says "God just wanted me to tell you that He really loves you. He really loves you" and she just kept repeating this and it was pretty super! And then like i remember falling over and then i opened my eyes and saw a friend laughing at me/with me lol. What happened next was simply amazing and something that ive never had or experienced before. You see we ended up laughing heaps for a good 15mins and then i just felt like running and so i told me friend this and he's like "k lets run" and so we just bolted out the door and it was like the fastest run ive even been on (go Holy Spirit eh!) and then we just stopped and he led me back to the Big Top where i just couldnt stop shouting in tongues aye and the he began to shout too. I never heard anyone pray like that before and i later learned that he was interpreting my tongue! It was sooo amazing!! :D God is sooo good! Like he actual has the gift of interpreting tongues, its amazing!! But it wasnt over just yet!:D When we got to the marquee (not sure of spelling-like big circus tent lol) and i like began to prophesy (btw i didnt know this at the time, it was later when i recieved some er spiritual backlash that i learned this) and me and the friend were just working hand in hand, getting like er words for peeps and also just proclaiming the goodness and love of God, especially the love he had for particular people in our youth too :D amazing! So many others experienced the love and joy of Jesus too, like a dear friend of mine who was dancing in the Holy Spirit and a few others experienced freedom through deliverance etc. Was such an epic night! I loved it!
Unfortunately some others didnt enjoy it and a few leaders unfortunately didnt think it was a move of God. This has actually made it quite hard for me, as how can i serve in this youth group when there is disunity among the group. Sigh or should i even be in this youth group was a question i was pondering a few weeks ago. I eventually prayed and consulted my mum who said that this is good training ground for me, and she had a word from the Lord that "this youth group is only temporary" so thank Jesus! :)
So yeah it not all bad. We had a leaders meeting the other evening and thanks to God we are gonna just have a hard out bible study at youth group, like cos we were previously going to have it seperate which a few of us disagreed on...but yeah enough about being negative. I'm over it now. Well trying. God is in control...oh how my sprit yearns for revival!! How we need it! Please people keep praying. Keep at it. Things are hard atm, but hold onto the hope that Christians...or should i say Jesus followers :) are gonna rise up. WE gonna impact this world. We're gonna leave this place on a high note! Just keep striving for the narrow path. Hold onto your standards. Sure the world and even Christians are telling you not to be so extreme...but dont give in! Flip God is sooo much more than pleasing others!!!
Flip i need prayer ! I hope everyone is well. i will put pictures in my next post. Something random and nice :) take care folk.