Monday, April 26, 2010


Wow! this month has gone by soo quickly! I mean flip Mays just round the corner...then June! and then it'd be like half-way through 2010 already (btw do you peeps call it 'twenty ten' or "two thousand and ten"? Personally i go with the latter cos 'twenty ten's just weird lol) Anyway so at the beginning of the month it was easter and down my end it was amazing cos I attended Easter Camp woot woot!! (how'd you guys easter go? :) )
Anyway i really had a great time!! and thats pretty much what this post is gonna be about :). So yeah there were 46 of us Fairlie folk (which is huge for us!) that attending! It was a mixture of non-believers and believers that went and praise Jesus they all saw or felt His presense during it.. :D
Um not sure what i was gonna say now......Um....... Here its raining btw (just thought id throw that in lol hows the weather in the US?? (cos you guys are all from there) Sigh you'll be in Spring about bliss! :)
Hmm think I'll just talk about the last night of camp cos thats when i felt it was the best!!!!! So at the Big Top (which was the huge marquee that we went for the meetings-held in like 4000 peeps!) we were worshipping and the presense of God began to fall and i just couldnt stop shaking and it just didnt want to stop! it was wonderful :) but at the same time i was like God i think you can stop now lol its getting too much and im not really concentrating on the preacher...but it didnt until near the end, and then we had more worship and flip God just shook up our youth group. Peeps had been affected by the message (i wish i could remember it lol) and so those who responded were kindly asked to stand so then us leaders could go round and pray for them. And flip it was amzing. Like i was super stoked cos we'd pray for someone and like not really expecting anything to happen really, but then afterward they would be crying and i know tears arnt anything too major but it just shows how God can move. :)
Then things went awesome to awesomer lol You see after that i began to um how you say..have the "Holy Ghost" laughter and then like randomly (or God inspired should i say) this girl comes upto me and says "God just wanted me to tell you that He really loves you. He really loves you" and she just kept repeating this and it was pretty super! And then like i remember falling over and then i opened my eyes and saw a friend laughing at me/with me lol. What happened next was simply amazing and something that ive never had or experienced before. You see we ended up laughing heaps for a good 15mins and then i just felt like running and so i told me friend this and he's like "k lets run" and so we just bolted out the door and it was like the fastest run ive even been on (go Holy Spirit eh!) and then we just stopped and he led me back to the Big Top where i just couldnt stop shouting in tongues aye and the he began to shout too. I never heard anyone pray like that before and i later learned that he was interpreting my tongue! It was sooo amazing!! :D God is sooo good! Like he actual has the gift of interpreting tongues, its amazing!! But it wasnt over just yet!:D When we got to the marquee (not sure of spelling-like big circus tent lol) and i like began to prophesy (btw i didnt know this at the time, it was later when i recieved some er spiritual backlash that i learned this) and me and the friend were just working hand in hand, getting like er words for peeps and also just proclaiming the goodness and love of God, especially the love he had for particular people in our youth too :D amazing! So many others experienced the love and joy of Jesus too, like a dear friend of mine who was dancing in the Holy Spirit and a few others experienced freedom through deliverance etc. Was such an epic night! I loved it!
Unfortunately some others didnt enjoy it and a few leaders unfortunately didnt think it was a move of God. This has actually made it quite hard for me, as how can i serve in this youth group when there is disunity among the group. Sigh or should i even be in this youth group was a question i was pondering a few weeks ago. I eventually prayed and consulted my mum who said that this is good training ground for me, and she had a word from the Lord that "this youth group is only temporary" so thank Jesus! :)
So yeah it not all bad. We had a leaders meeting the other evening and thanks to God we are gonna just have a hard out bible study at youth group, like cos we were previously going to have it seperate which a few of us disagreed on...but yeah enough about being negative. I'm over it now. Well trying. God is in control...oh how my sprit yearns for revival!! How we need it! Please people keep praying. Keep at it. Things are hard atm, but hold onto the hope that Christians...or should i say Jesus followers :) are gonna rise up. WE gonna impact this world. We're gonna leave this place on a high note! Just keep striving for the narrow path. Hold onto your standards. Sure the world and even Christians are telling you not to be so extreme...but dont give in! Flip God is sooo much more than pleasing others!!!
Flip i need prayer ! I hope everyone is well. i will put pictures in my next post. Something random and nice :) take care folk.


  1. Personally, I say "two thousand ten." Lol.

    Weather here . . . hmm, well currently it is absolutely gorgeous, but incredibly, on April 17, here in PENNSYLVANIA, where it is generally NOT very cold, it SNOWED!!! That's right, April 17th! And I mean real snow, as in serious blizzard looking snow! I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, it didn't last, and now we seem to be back to regular spring weather, haha.

    Anyhow, I was rather intrigued/concerned/glad about all that you were talking about with that meeting. Just to clarify, I am a firm believer in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and have been baptized in the Spirit and exercise the gifts God has given me.

    That said there are SO many "ministries" in the world, mostly in the US, that focus on the POWER of the Holy Spirit. That would be good, except that what people want is the OUTWARD manifestation of power, i.e. miraculous healing, speaking words of knowledge, prophesy, speaking in tongues, casting out demons, raising people from the dead, etc.

    Now these things can be good, but God has made it clear that things with His Holy Spirit should be done "decently and in order." I would STRONGLY encourage you to check out 1 Corinthians 14, the whole chapter really, but especially verses 26-33, 39, 40.

    . . . continued . . .

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  4. . . . continued . . .

    Just by the personality that God gave me, I know ALL about being extreme, haha, but I have realized that being EXTREMELY dedicated to the Lord is totally awesome, and good. BUT, within the things of God, there MUST be a balance. Extremes can lead to sin. It is a simple fact. There are many televangelists here in a America that are WAY off as far as the Word of God is concerned. Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Hagin, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, and many others. These men do have some truth, and God has and can still use some of what they say to bring those who are lost to Him. But they are severely in error in many areas of what they teach.

    I'm not trying to tell you what to do at all, or to dampen your zeal for God. Quite the opposite, in fact. If you put all your excitement and passion for God into the wrong thing, then little good can come of it, but if you put all that energy and fervor into that which God WANTS you to put it into, then God can do things in and through you, you would never have imagined, I can promise you that. I'll be prayin' for ya!

    Your Brother in Christ,

  5. What are your thoughts in regards to all this? I feel like I really bulldozed my way in here, but what do you think?


  6. Hmmm Im sorry but I'll have to disagree with you about the televangelists like Benny and Joyce etc. I do believe that they are in the right with God,if you will, like these are people whom are real individuals of faith. (btw im trying to write this as friendly as possible lol so please know i mean well :) ) But yeah its okay to ave a different opinions lol I guess all that matters really though is our own personal relationship with Jesus (meaning yours, mine and the televangelists).
    Um i read the chapter. Thanks for that :) It was good and definatley made me think. :) I do think that things of God do need to be order but I also know there is freedom in Christ. The problem that night..well i cant really talk about it here...but hmmm. I may have to message you perhaps...not really important though. Anyway it turned out that at a following youth group meeting many were blessed by the events on the Sunday night so there was much "edification" if you will. Thank Jesus. I also understand what you mean about being "extreme" and how you need a balance. I def agree, we do need balance and also we need to out that passion into what God wants. That night i and others were simply just following the Lords lead aye. It was good :)
    Um also it is indeed true that many ministries tend to focus on the "power of the Spirit" or atleast it can appear that way. SOme (not all mind you) are just hmmm idk cant explain living in the Spirit. yeah im bad at explaining things. grr.
    Lol on a kinda lighter note. Im glad to hear you had snow :) Where i live we get quite a bit. Not atm mind you. :)
    But anyway thanks for taking the time to comment etc :) and for prayers :)
    God bless

  7. I totally understand, I know you are not meaning to offend, and I feel the same way. I am simply trying to expose the truth for all to see, so that the people of God will no longer be deceived.

    Take a look at some of these prophesies that Benny Hinn made. ALL of which DID NOT come true.

    "The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God." - Benny Hinn

    Fidel did not die, and is still not dead.

    Another one:

    "The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed." - Benny Hinn

    That very obviously, did not happen. If anything the homosexual community has gotten stronger.

    See what the Lord has to say about false prophets.

    "Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart." - Jeremiah 14:14

  8. . . . continued . . .

    "My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD." - Ezekiel 13:9

    Those are just two of many, many verses that show how seriously God looks at false prophets.

    Here is another prophesy made by Benny Hinn made. He actually reiterated this prophesy several times over, but it has NEVER come to pass, it will never either because of what God's Word says. Here it is:

    "Ladies and gentleman, Jesus is shaking the world! Now something else is happening that is to me awesome! Absolutely awesome! The Lord is physically appearing in the Muslim world. I'm telling you! Paul [Crouch], I am hearing it now more and more and more. Since we preachers cannot go there, Jesus is, just going there Himself. Since we preachers are not permitted to go in, He is just showing up, Himself. You know the Scriptures say clearly that the Lord did appear--did He not? Uh, for forty days--isn't that right? And the, and the, and the Scriptures says He, He, He even, He even appeared to Paul. Now we are always thinking, well Jesus can't really preach, preach the Gospel. Who told you that? He was the first one to preach the Gospel. In fact He is the one who came to Paul and said, 'Paul, I am Jesus.' He, He didn't send no angel to do that job. He did it Himself. If Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, why not reveal Himself to a lot more than just Paul? And He's doing it! The reason the Lord had to appear to Paul is because He knew Paul wouldn't listen to nobody else. Now in the case of Cornelius, the angel said, 'Send for Peter,' 'cause, because Cornelius was, was ready, his heart was right, he'd been in prayer. But here's Paul killing everybody--causing them to blaspheme. Jesus said this man won't even listen to an angel, so I'll go do the job Myself. So He went and knocked him right off his horse and preached the Gospel to him. He's doing the same thing today in the Muslim world. He's appearing. Hear this! He is appearing to Muslims, saying 'I am Jesus of Nazareth!'. . .” - Benny Hinn

  9. . . . continued . . .

    Okay, now let's see what God says about that.

    "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." - Isaiah 8:20

    "Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not." - Matthew 24:23-26

    I don't think it can be much clearer, and these are just a FEW of a huge number of things that he has said and/or done that have been either not in line with the Bible, proven to be false, outright lies, or done for his own personal profit. Which is extremely extensive, his ministry grossing somewhere around $100 million a year. Again, as you said, I'm not trying to destroy your image of men of God, I'm not trying to offend you. I am simply tired of seeing the people of God get swept along with the lies of the Enemy. I would highly recommend this website: They have the real truth about these very popular, well-known, mostly rich, "men of God."
    They aren't dishing out their opinions, they are looking at the facts, and looking at the Bible. It is absolutely true we are in the last days, and that being the case we must be like the Bereans, who would not just receive things from "men of God" without challenging the things they said with what the Scripture says. So I challenge you. If these men truly are of God, then you have nothing to fear from anything you might find out about them. If they are not, however, then you are indeed in danger of being led astray by "wolves in sheep's clothing." Because you love the Lord, I know you do not want to be deceived, and because I love the Lord I do not want myself, or others to be deceived. Check out the website, check out Hinn, Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer, and many others. Test them, to see if they are truly men and women of God. All I am doing is challenging you to do what the Scriptures already command us to do. The Bereans were said to be of "more noble character" because they "examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." And that is Paul we're talking about! Anyhow, let me know what you think. :) Again, I apologize if I have caused any offense, but it was not my intention. I just hate to see how many people are deceived, and I have to do what I can to bring the light of the truth into the darkness. Go with God.

