Friday, November 6, 2009

Daisy chains

Hey so i actually have followers! yay
ok so guess what folks? I have three more official days of school left! HOw toats awesome is that! well awesome and scary at the same time I must admit! so I finally figured out how to add photos! yay so here attached is a photo of a daisy chain, that my bro and i made. Yes I did say my brother, who also happens to be 22years old, but to save him from embarrassment i wont mention his name...not that it's really anything to be ashamed of. I mean hey if I was a older brother I would totally sit cross-legged on a lovely green lawn making daisy chains with my 18 year old sister! lol but thats just me...he would have a diff opinion tehe.
hmm so yeah it was definately lovely spending time with him, ya know other than watching some silly, ungodly (may I add) movie, or playing ps2 or ps3 or whatevs, ya know. It was just lovely, brang back memories of when I was younger and me and him used to hang lol. So yeah I felt it was definately times like this when you thank God for it. So thats what I did lol
hmm yea so like three days left of wow!
What else can i talk about?
Oh yes, is it just me or has Christmas came just a lil too early this year?? I mean I'm like any crazy Christmas loving girl but I feel it's just a lil too early to be singing Christmas songs and what not! I've decided I'm gonna marry a American, or Canadian just so I can celebrate Thanksgiving tehe, then the focus wont be on Christmas at early NOvember! (grr even as i'm typing this there's ad's on tv showing Christmas gift ideas etc...ahhh!)
well think i'll write again later...maybz


  1. Ya, Christmas has come way early. Come see me at &!!

  2. Now you just need to read "Daisy Chain" by Mary DeMuth. :)

    I hope you find the love of your life soon!

  3. Yeah ill def check your blogs francescajonny and thanks for that Ashley, your blogs are amzing btw!
    and sweet ill check "Daisy Chain" out :)
