Saturday, February 6, 2010

update lol

Hey everyone! how are you all? So I made it my priority to update this as I just havnt in ages! It's really bad of me..i guess i just have been either too busy or too lazy to go on this...Im thinking more latter but a bit of both. Well today and my family went on a day trip to Alexander. It's a lovely little town that goes to extremes temperature wise, in both summer and winter. And so because its summer here i def expected the heat. And boy did we get it.. Was like 33 degrees! Which is alot especially for us, as lately our weather in my town has been pretty pitiful. Ah well! I enjoyed the heat today, it meant ice cream and touching up on my tan :D There was also another form of heat that wasnt so tasteful should i temper. Today was definately another wake-up call for my erm character. Lately Gods showing me some ugly sides of me and it hasnt been pleasant. Today was def one of those days, when I could really see that I'm not perfect..well obvs not..but yeah. You see I can be very selfish, demanding, and impatient. Today i'm pretty sure I did nothing but complain and grumble about how we're wasting time doing this, and we're late for this..etc etc. Ughh i just hate that about myself! Funny thing is however (and btw Im not judging, just merely commenting) is that my dad and my youngest brother are exactly the same (Oh God have mercy, send us an outpouring Lord! Please!!) So today was a great day of butting heads-yay! I really do need a change in me, believe me i see the log in my own eye! I mean how am i supposed to cope in our family ministry if i cannot bear to be around them..i dont like being like this. I wish i was more like my brother James sometimes. He's got a gentle spirit, and just sits and smiles all the time. Sigh!
So yes atm things have been pretty difficult. Another thing is that I've been real keen to just go places, (mayby my age has something to do with it also..) like travel and well get out of town ya know! And i've been real struggling with the truths of this ministry and the fact we'll be all over the place, almost every country in the world...but for some mad reason, my heart has idk..taken it in, and Im still yearning to get out, even though i know right now, this is the "sitting in the waiting room" place...yeesh there goes my inpatient-ness again huh? Like its been hard aye. I'm thinking it certainly doesnt help when friends of mine who are not understanding of this at do i say...It's like I have this huge dream of my life and its big and exciting..but i cannot really share it cos people dont believe you, or they imagine it their own way..and it sucks!
God has big plans! We are living in the last days, expect to see ginormous things happen people! We arnt just gonna be raptured without leaving a mark on this world. As barlow girl says "We are a million voices, breaking silence til...THEY'LL REMEMBER WE WERE HERE!!" Guys whats happening now, is just a period of darkness. Dont lose hope..i really ought to take my own advise hahaha! can you guys pray for me please..thanks! And so people even if this is a real weird blog, (i kinda start off slighly emo-ish and then end up leaving like a pep talk lol) just yeah keep at it. If theres things in your life getting you down, pray hard! And please i urge you to pray for the biggest revival the world has ever seen. Check out Isaiah60 and Acts 2!. Gods word does not return void! believe in the latter glory!! peace out.

1 comment:

  1. realised i never actually finished writing about the 'wanting to go places part". Um well talking excitedly with a few friends about going on like an overseas missions trip, i then prayed about it and my prayers were answered over night.Unfortunately i didnt take it too lighly. Mum had told me the next day that "Hannahs been going places which is a type of rebellion". FYI mum hears from God all the time night and day, and she knew nothing about my plans to go overseas. So i dont know about you but thats def an answered prayer. Obviously i hav alot of issues...eeek.
