Tuesday, February 23, 2010

End of feb

Hey bloggers!
I want sure what to call this post and well that's all that i could come up with- its is 1am btw. THis times actually isnt too bad for me but still i should break that habit of staying up late haha am such a night owl!
Okay so youth group is finally up and running. It's really good this year, which is probabley too soon to say seeing as we've only had one meetin so far, but I mean like the organising is just excellent. I have been chosen as leader...haha thats sounds like some kind of dictatoshhip or something, that sentence, don't you think?? What I mean is, I and another old classmate have been chose as like youth leaders of the group, mainly because we've both just finished school and arnt moving on to Uni or anything this year. SO yeah its been real good, because we've been having like "leader" meetings lol and we've mangaed to plan like 3 weeks ahead of time, its great! To be honest I am finding it rather hard, cos Im not really a loud person, or am I like leader material (atleast thats what i think, ive been told by God and lots of other people, well otherwise) and yeah. Cos like at our first youth group meeting we were trying to organise games and well no-one was listening, there was just no respect..I found it quite idk offending. You know, like this generation is soo bad with respect, its horrific! So yeah this is a learning experiance for me, which I hope will bring the "leader-ness" (lol) right outta me. I would appreciate prayer btw :)
Hahaha no Im not engaged! lol I just put that title to remind me of the engagement party I went to in the weekend. It was actually last years youth group leaders that became engaged! It was very lovely...but unfortunately alot of things went down. Im not going to go hugely into detail (that wouldnt be fair) but it would be safe to say that I learnt personally from attending this. You see Im completely opposed to drinking (as in alcohol) as I've seen the effects first hand and I know what it can lead too etc. But unfortunately on this night i drank. Thank the Lord it was only a few, but the guilt i felt afterwards was pretty big. I guess I just saw that everyone else (Christian and non Christian) were having a few and so I caved. Grr im really annoyed at myself, not only cos i lowered my standards (atleast I think thats what my standards are..heck im annoyed Im so "double-minded" on the matter also) but i also did this in front of minors who attend youth group. I mean heck, what is that showing them! Ughhh ...
Could you girls please pray for me?? or even leave me some advice? I really would appreciate it!
well think ill leave it at that for now.


  1. Well, I'm not a girl, but I figured that perhaps you might not mind if I added my thoughts in regards to your situation. As far as the youth group is concerned, that is a great that you are heading it up! It is also an honor, but with that honor also comes responsibility, I know, it's lame, haha. But that's the way God set it up. As a youth leader/teacher you are now held to a higher standard than the rest. You are now to a certain extent responsible for those kids that are under your influence. Not to say that if they do something wrong it's your fault, exactly. All you can do is speak the Word of God and then it is up to them to either accept or reject it. But you just have to make sure that what you are teaching them is Biblically correct.
    As to the drinking thing, that is a tricky issue sometimes. I personally think it's pretty straight-forward, but people can make it complicated. Here's the way I see it. Fact 1: Drinking is not a sin. The Bible definitely doesn't say that anywhere, and it seems likely that the disciples and possibly even Jesus Himself drank at one time or another. Fact 2: Drunkeness IS a sin, no question there. Fact 3: One person drinking can be a stumbling block or hinderance to another person. Okay, so now is where you have to decide where you will fall on this playing field. Some think it's fine to drink whenever as long as you don't get drunk. Some think you should never drink at all, and some think it's okay to drink, but in serious moderation. I fall in with this last group. I don't think you should drink whenever for two reasons. One, you can lose control and slip from enjoying a drink or two, to being drunk, and it just isn't worth it. And two, because it is very often as I said a stumbling block to others. I also don't believe there is anything wrong with having a drink now and then. Basically, you can be on the safe side and not drink at all, and you can't go wrong there. As someone that is looked up to (as your youth leader, even if you don't feel like one), it is a much better idea to be on the safe side . . . to be continued . . .

  2. . . . continued . . . In Mark 9:42 it says, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea." So, as you can see, God looks at this pretty seriously. If you do fail in some way and any young people see you or know that you did, as hard as it is, the best thing is to go to them and apologize. Apologize for not representing Christ the way you should as their leader. Anyhow, I'm sorry if I came across as trying to tell you what to do, I was just saying it how I see the Bible saying it. :) I hope in some way that might help you! God bless.

  3. Okay for starters thanks! it made my day er evening..wait its 1am so morning, just seeing your response cos its so long and i never get long replies. SO thankyou for taking the time and thought into doing that.
    No, you dont come across as 'telling me what to do', because you've simply stated all the facts from a biblical perspective and besides, I did ask for advice.
    That verse Mark 9v32-thankyou! Like I've honestly never put that into this like context before. It just like opened my eyes.
    And yeah I am slowly learning that with this er job, there is a great deal of responsibility! Which I'm actually finding rather hard, but I guess where i am weak He is strong so yeah.
    But yeah thanks again mate! :) God bless
    oh and no i dont mind that you are not a girl :)
