Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August baby..

Haha dont ask why I put baby there...just felt like it :p.
So how are you lovely bloggers!? So today is the 25th of August! And that means by the grace of God, I've been saved for officially 4 years. How totally awesome is that! :) Praise Jesus, for keeping me this long. I honestly don't think I deserve it. God is sooo good to me! :) It overwhelms me sometimes. Sigh what a beautiful Savior we have :).
OKay so over the weekend, I went to a missions camp. This was my fifth year at this camp. (It was the camp I was born again at :) ). God was/is so good. ON the first night during worship, one the speakers felt to say, that if anyone was inspired (as in by Holy Spirit) to like prophesy etc, they should come up. And at this point I was having a wee bit of a battle haha. You see last week during my devotional, the Lord gave me a word and it was "We must repent, to be restored". (btw my lovely blog readers please take heed to this word, we must all get ready for Him. He wants a holy, pure bride people. I love you guys and so I say this in love, as much as I can through a post, please get right before your Savior. He loves you so much. If the word makes no sence to you, then please pray on it. Ask Him about it :) ) Anyway I was thinking to myself, "Do I go up Lord, and tell these people, your word?" And while I was debating this, a man called Ben (I know him from previous camps and whatnot), came upto me and said he had a word for me. This is the jist of it: "I just saw you on the top of a mountain and you were sounding a trumpet. You have a message for the people and its to show what they need to do next. You have a zeal and you will lead them." Praise Jesus! He is so good (And this kinda irrelevant but then honestly like two minutes later, another guy came upto me and said "I just have a word for you. 'You are called to the nations'." Again thankyou Lord!) So then I knew that I had to get up and deliver the message, and by Gods grace, I did it. Cos yeah I'm not a publice speaker aye. Well Gods changing me haha. He is good. That whole weekend, people got word after word for me. God is soooo awesome! Really like I dont ask for it ya know, He just gives if to me. Brings me to tears. Sigh He is good.
I also found it encouraging how most of the sermons were about the coming revival. That was so encouraging. I met so many people who are looking for it too, ya know. Like where i'm at, as in where i live, and who I'm surrounded by, have lost hope in revival. And flip, it frustrates me sometimes, (I know, God so needs to help me with that amongst like soooo many other things! haha) But yeah I must persevere, I will not give up! Jesus. Just gotta keep my eyes on Jesus. I want Him. I want a heart like David and like Mary of Bethany. I want my eyes to forever be on Him. Oh precious Jesus, lead me Lord into your arms! Please pray for me fellow bloggers!

So what else is new? Um well my role at work has changed ever so slightly. Instead of just making sandwiches (which personally I didnt mind too much, kinda got into a routine), I'm now moved onto the baking part. So now I'm doing all the breads, quiches, scones, cakes and well more interesting things. So I'm pretty stoked about it to be honest. While I'm waiting for revival, I may as well learn some baking haha. So yeah. :)
What else? I'm not sure what else to put here. Think I'll leave it at this. :)
Strive to enter the narrow gate people :) Run to the arms of Jesus :)

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