Tuesday, July 27, 2010

There endeth July

Greetings to you beautiful bloggers! I hope you've all had a wonderful month :)
So I just had a quick look-see at my previous blog and am reminded of a familiar chapter in Ecclesiates.
"To everything there is a season...A time to kill; And a time to heal; A time to break down and a time to build up. (Ecclesiates3v3).
Quite honestly, I feel that while writing my last blog, I was going through a 'break down' if you will. Okay it wasn't as bad as that sounds. I just think that...well to everything there is a season. And right now I'm going through a building up- praise Jesus! I mean lately (I'm talking like the last few weeks), I just have a thirsting for the Word, I want to spend more time with Jesus. Quite honestly, I feel as if I was just saved. :D
I want to be ready for his visitation, for His coming. I know in my spirit we are running out of time. My mum actually got a word recently that I know I should share and it is this "Tell my sons (thats means daughters too :) ) to get ready." Fellow bloggers , and whoever else reads this, please know that the biggest revival that this world has ever seen and will ever see, is just around the corner. And following this, will be the harvest and then the return of our sweet Savior. I'm also reminded of a word the Lord gave me a few years ago. "Tell them I'm coming very soon". Unfortunately not one of us knows the day or hour, but all we are to do is quite simple- Get ready!! Guys, (I'm referring to all by the way, the word "guys" in NZ is like slang for 'people' :) ), we must all repent. We must all get right before our God, before our King. Please people, dont take this lightly. If you know (in fact you will know) your not right before God, then do something about it. Dont wait for a camp, or for some international speaker on revival to visit your local town or city, or even a spiritual experience; please begin now to 'rend your hearts and not your garments' (Joel 2v13). Run into the arms of Jesus 'for He is is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness..' (v13 cont.). Now is the time guys. Oh how glorious the days :).
To be honest, I didnt think I was even going to write about all this. I was actually going to write on 'renewing the mind' (something I've learnt quite a bit about recently), but hey I just write as God leads :). He is so good. Lately actually, I've been memorising useful verses from the Bible, and praise God, it's been so wonderful to be honest. I've quite enjoyed it. I have even got my boss (who's not even a Christian) to help me. My mum helps too, but yeah with him being a born and bred Kiwi, he helps with pronounciation for some words :)
So yeah life is good atm. Don't get me wrong, I'm still battling. But what I'm learning, is to expect failure. As in, to expect to muck up. You see, I've always been one of those people, that will idk decide on a change if you will (like no more tv for example) but yeah sometimes you can get trapped into watching something. But instead of just giving up, I'm gonna let Jesus pick me back up and try again :)
Actually reminds me of a funny incident, last night our television broke. Isn't that funny?! A year or so back God spoke to us about 'removing our idols' and quite frankly, the television was an idol in our household. (oh btw only like my parents and I are saved in my household, just so you know. Dont worry though Gods got His hands on my bros :p). It's only been like 24hours but they're definately beginning to notice the effects. But hey, if your not gonna listen to Him, then he'll do stuff like let your tv break :p tehe. Oh just so you know, I'm not completly opposed to watching tv. I just see it as a time waster, sometimes. And annoys me how it can actually run a household :( Oh and the content isnt exactly godley these days too unfortunately :( But yeah like I do watch movies (quick thankyou to Ashley Weis for your blogs as they have encouraged me quite a bit lately, especially round this topic of movies ect:) ) and sports sometimes :)Like you should check out this website called Pluggedinonline.com for movie reviews. They'll tell you whats really in the films, from a good Christian perspective.
To be honest, I am surprised that it is 5pm and I'm writing a blog. I never write blogs at this time. It's like 8 hours too early :P tehe.
Oh I just made pumpkin soup for like the first time ever. I'm quite estatic to be honest. I love pumpkin soup! So yay ! :)
Should probably leave this blog as is now. I'm really just babbling :).
Take care lovelies. Stay in Jesus :)

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