Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm gonna rant...

Hello wonderful bloggers.
Wow that sounded rather positive eh? Okay so like my title post I'm gonna rant. I'm unhappy. Hahaha na I'm actually joking. I'm actually resonably happy. I'm just battling. Life is good...some of the time. It is a daily battle to follow Christ, dontcha think? Like seriously to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh...it's hard. Each day we have to (and want to most of the time ;) ) choose God's way and not our way. My struggles at the moment...oh I have sooo many! I'm not gonna name them all, because that would be a bit too full on for you lovely readers (well that is if you guys and girls even read this anymore...havnt had comments in a while :( ), but I will talk about a few.
About a month ago (I probabley did blog on this but I cant remember..so sorry for repeating), the Lord gave me a word on being humble and going the extra mile. At first I was like sweet I can do that...and then I came across a few situations that seriously tested me. Two days after my birthday, my friends had planned a surprise birthday party for me...that I actually missed! :( I got so upset and cos I was away (about an hour away from my town), I lets say reacted rather harshly. I was upset cos I was away and I was missing out on my own party. And my fam didnt seem to care, like they were like "You'll get there when you get there" kinda, "The party will re-start when you arrive" and they just wernt rushing home, like I was hoping them too. And yeah I was just a mess in my emotions! And I said something which I regret. And I know what your thinking, 'Hannah calm down, everyone blows up every now and then" etc. But no. I think I was more upset because I was upset. Because what was coming out of me, was indeed what was in me. You see situations like that, bring out what is really in us. My reactions didnt show um Christ-like qualities if you will. It showed stubborness, selfishness, pride etc. It was ugly! :( and that annoyed me. LIke I know we're all gonna slip up but yeah I guess to be honest, I'd thought I'd past those particular struggles...yeah its hard. But I'm gonna keep fighting on cos I love God, and He loves me and He wants me and I want HIm.
I have to keep striving to be more like Him. Need to get stuck into Word more and more to renew my mind! ahhh lol. Right anyway thats kinda my rant to be honest/. THought it'd be much longer but yeah.
Soooo...now its SPRING! As in all the blossoms are out and we've had crazy winds etc!
Oh just randomly have you American folk heard about the earthquakes we've had here in NZ. Been pretty crazy! Like there's still earthquakes happening. And then mums been hearing from the Lord that it isnt over and we can expect to see more earthquakes around the world, in countrys such as Canada, Italy, New York and Philippins. SO please pray for these countries that God will have mercy and that people will begin to repent. Sigh. We cant give up peeps. We gotta keep perservering for Jesus. We gotta keep fighting.
Peace. :)

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