Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just another rainy day

Hello Lovelies
How have you been this month? I've been rather fantastic :) Okay I'll admit I'm only saying that because I'm in such a lovely mood atm. I'm currently in our kitchen (I live at home by the way, with my folks :) ), in view of the large window, which shows steady rain falling admist green leaves, listening to my amazing brother playing his guitar. He'd kill me if he knew I was writing about him haha. He's really very talented though; it's not often we get to hear him play. In fact, he only came home this month! We hadnt seen him for like a whole year! So yeah I'm very happy to have my oldest brother home :). Suddenly the kitchen comes alive and evey ingredient stored in our pantry is put to use. He loves to cook you see. And he loves to make exotic dishes. Why today we will attempt a saffron cheesecake. Does that not sound so delightful? :D I'll endeaver to post photos when we do it :D

I love rainy days. Especially in Spring. It's almost as if the rain accentuates the green in the grass and leaves. It's so refreshing. It seems so new. Oh how lovely the natural, yet how better the spiritual rain. How the earth cries for water, yet our souls yearn for His Spirit. Jesus, prepare our hearts, our minds, our souls for your great awakening. For the promise of your great Outpouring. Spiritually speaking we are thirsty. Don't you all see it? We need His revival. We must not give up on it. We must be ready. Whenever it rains, I am reminded of the spiritual rain, the latter rain. I'm reminded of His promise to send it. This is just a simple reminder to not give up guys. To keep on fighting :) He is coming.

This month I have actually been soaking up a lot of teachings. I have been very blessed by the IHOP team. No not International House of Pancakes, but International House of Prayer. I know I've spoken of them before. Atleast I have of Misty Edwards, who is a worship leader at IHOP. They are such a blessing to me. I really am in awe of how they have kept the prayer room going 24 hours a day for over ten years. Isnt that amazing! They are just so cool. Anyway, lately I've been listening to Mike Bickle's teachings, he's the founder of IHOP, and have recieved many confirmations on the things to come. Such as the coming days will be very glorious and very terrible. Glorious for those who are ready and terrible for those who are not. This leads me on to report what the Lord has spoken to me lately. During my devotionals lately He has said that "We need new wineskins". To me this emphasises again that we must get ready. We must renew our minds (easier said than done, I know!), and prepare our temple for the new rain. For the outpouring of His Spirit as prophesied by Joel, and later through Peter on the day of Pentecost. You see, some believe that the day of Pentecost was what the prophet Joel was referring to but as Mike puts it in one of his awesome sermons "The day of Pentecost was only a down payment of a far greater fulfillment of this prophecy in the end times before Jesus’ return." The Day of Pentecost in Peters day was only a taste, if you will, of whats to come. As the Lord has told me and as I have mentioned in previous posts; "We must repent, to be restord;" so that the days for us will be glorious and not terrible. I know its hard. I struggle so much. But Jesus He is there to help us. He is there to encourage us. Just trust in Him. Keep fighting the good fight. :)

Anyway this month has been pretty fabulous. I know the last two paragraphs have been rather er intense, but the message will continue to be written in my blogs. I don't intend to write it but it just seems to come out haha.
My oldest brother Karl has had a birthday this month, as well as my youngest nephew. On the 13th of October Benjamin turned one years old. Isnt that exciting! We had a wee gathering at my brothers house. Ate good food (bbq yay! :) ) and hung out with under five yeard old's. Was bliss :)

Well I should go. I know this isnt very long so I do apologise for that.
Till next time.
(Sorry about my grammar and whatnot btw! Its shocking I know!)

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