Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So here I am finally writing a blog :) I'm gonna include pictures too :) Yeap of our "successful" saffron cake. I kid you not it was literally 2square inches! Like actual. Was such a fail. So the photos are actually of another dish.
Blackberry and Apple Pie :)

I would have a step by step photos but I didnt really think much of it at the time. I do apologise. Next time I will. Promise ;)

Right so hasnt this year gone by so quickly! I cannot beleive that Christmas is like a month away. Its crazy! I havnt even began Christmas gift shopping yet! I feel so behind. This holiday season has snuck up on me. Which I think is great!.Not that it snuck up on me but that Christmas is almost here :D How will you people spend your holidays? For most of you the weather will be cold and mayby even a chance of snow? Sounds rather exciting to me. I often wish I would experience a white Christmas.

So whats been happening in my life, I hear you ask. Well my blogger friends. Absolutely nothing. Hopefully I'll have something to write about next month...

Jokes! This month may have been pretty uneventful like in a physical sense. But in reality (yes I say reality because I believe the spiritual realm is way more real than what the physical eye can see), things are going on. This month I've been learning about faith and perseverence. It's a day by day battle. I realise I need to hold on to His promises now more than ever before. I gotta have faith that His timing is so perfect. And sometimes it feels like everything is going to happen right now, and when it doesnt, you feel crushed. You see lately, I had to step out in faith. The Lord instructed me to do something and I thought this would lead to something else that I was hoping for. But alas it didnt. And it really discouraged me. I had to learn to lean on Him and trust in Him even more. Was rather hard, but through His grace and love I've learnt that times of trial are good and are there to strengthen me. I'm reminded of a verse in Hebrews
"My son , do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives" 12v5-6
'Now no chastening seeems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yeilds the fruits of righteousness to those who have been trained by it' v11
So this month has been great actually :). Think I'll leave it at this. I know I've been really slack with my blogs lately. I guess I just run out of things to talk about.
Hmm. Oh I had to say goodbye to a dear friend this month. We've been friends for a good 8 years and I'm really going to miss her. She's been here like all through my teens til now (though I'm still kinda a teen lol) and it's kinda hard knowing she's' not here yet. So yeah I have been spending most of this month with her. We make cool videos and then laugh at ourselves. One day I may share it ;).
What else? Well I've also been working quite a bit over this last week. Which has been good, but quite hard on my body. Got a bit run down and was sick a wee bit. I'm good now, thank Jesus :).
The break-up of the local youth group is on this weekend. So I think I'll make an appearance. I dont go to youth group anymore you see. Felt the Lord lead me out from it for a season. But yeah cos I was a leader etc, I think it would be nice to wish the young ones safe holidays and like spend some time with them. Havnt seen most of them in quite a few months, so quite miss the contact. But algood :)
So do girls and guys have plans for the holidays? Do share with me if you can. Just leave a wee comment :)
What music have you's been listening to lately? My fav at the moment is the song Holy by Matt Gilman and Cory Asbury. Amazing! Heres a link to the song:

Anywho, better go ahead and publish this baby :p. Blessings people. Til next time.

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