Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy 2011

Hey girls and guys!
Hope the first month of 2011 is going very well for you! Sorry I havnt posted in a awhile! Been busy (grr hate being busy) so havn't been able to post. So today I have a wee treat for you guys! A recipe! Yes I'm going to share with you how to make this :

This is a Gooseberry Shortcake. It was delicious! Now I actually used an apple shortcake recipe but replaced the apples with gooseberries. The recipe is found in the Edmonds Cookbook (could mayby find it on a website..?) Oh and I doubled the recipe because I have such a big family etc.

Apple (Gooseberry) Shortcake

1 1/2 cup flour
1 dessertspoon sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
3 apples (So I used like 3cups of goosberries..kinda just go by the look ;)
100gm butter
Approx 2T Milk
1 Egg

Rub butter into sifted flour and baking powder. Beat egg and sugar together; mix into flour to a light paste with a little milk. Cut in half, roll out one piece and place on tray. Cover with sliced apples (so here I just put gooseberries (top and tailed) over the the tray), sprinkle with sugar (I used half a cup). Now put the other half on top, cover and brush over with milk. Bake 20 to 30 mins at 350 F. Sprinkle with icing sugar and cut while hot.

As you can see I served mine with custard and icecream. Yummy! :)

Now I'm going to make a list of things I like right now. Cos I'm random and cool like that ;)
1. I like the gooseberry shortcake I made. It was delicious and my friend, whom I had over for tea, really liked it too :D
2. I like sunsets and sunrises. I once asked a good friend which one of the two he preferred. He said "Sunrises because it's quiet, and the start of something new rather than the end". He's pretty smart ;)
3. I like how when things are looking real tough in life, I can always look to Jesus and know He is there for me. (sometimes I doubt though :/)
4. I like going hunting with my brothers. Not that it happens very often but when it does it's worth it. Today we went and got 3 geese. Here's a wee photo I took of a pretty feather. Think it'll be my new bookmark :) (that probably seems kinda weird that I kept it but meh).

5.I like playing my keyboard. I dont actually play real songs, just made up melodies that sound nice. I think it's good to just chill and I can worship Jesus with those random notes ;p
6.I like spending days in overgrown lawns, making daisy chains and talking about nothing and everything at the same time. I had the opportunity of doing this the other day with one of my good friends. Gotta enjoy the little things in life :).
7.I like my job/jobs. Particularly my bakery job. I have great workmates and experimenting with different foods is fun too (Chocolate Hazelnut Muffins anyone?) :D
8. I really like peanut butter. Yesterday I had the opportunity to try peanut butter from the Philippines. It was sooo good! :D
9. I like reading books and blogs that challenge and inspire me. Check out David Wilkerson here and one of my followers, Heather here and I recently found a blog by a woman named Jenny Powell. She is a singer in the International House of Prayer. She has a beautiful heart :) Check her out here
10. Last but not least, I love how God answers prayers. Like I'll be praying about something and suddenly He'll come through for me. It's so encouraging and sometimes it can be rather amusing, if you will ;)

So this month has been interesting. I've had a mixture of emotions as I learn how the Lord loves and how He yearns to be near us. He wants all my affections. He wants to take over my imagination. He wants me to draw closer to Him, even when He feels so far away. He is saying "Let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your voice is sweet and your face is lovely " Song of Solomon 2v13. Jesus. He is Jealous Jealousy. He is a consuming fire. And He is in love with me and you. Oh to comprehend His love. What a challenge to be honest. This is my daily struggle but I know in the end He is worth it.
Strive for Him girls and guys.
Happy 2011. :)

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