Thursday, June 16, 2011

Im' back

Hi everyone!
I'm finally here writing a blog which I havn't done in soo long and for that I'm very sorry! But I'm back into now (here's hoping) and so hopefully I'll get back into the habit of updating every month:)
So the last six months (yeesh six months!) have been interesting to say the least. I've been going through much testing and trials but through it all I've learnt that God is faithful and even when my heart and flesh fail, He is my strength. (Psalm 73v26). Even when my plans dont work out (note: my plans), He's there to take my hand and help me through it. He's my stronghold. He's my Beloved. I have to lean on Him. Especially through the different seasons we face. I have lately gone through a season of trial and I've learnt a lot through it and in Romans it talks about how trials and tribulations are what we should glory in, as at the end of the day it brings hope. My personal situation I wish had turned out better, but I do have hope. Hope that even though things didn't turn out how I expected, that God is faithful and He knows the beginning from the end. He can take the situation and turn it out for my good. I dont want to go into detail, but I just want to encourage you readers, that God is there in the darkest seasons of your life (not that I went through a really dark season but I'm just sayin). And just like even though life seems tough and confusing and when you dont know what's around the corner (which is pretty much all the time), know that He looks out for you. You can trust Him. You can trust His leadership. When people hurt you, know that God loves you and let Him soothe your heart. Let Him comfort you. That's what I've been learning lately. God is a lover, looking for a lover and sometimes its the in the hardest situations that we learn that. It's the tough times that we go to Him. But thats the thing, thats what I'm trying to say haha, we can go to God anytime. He isn't an angry God. He doesnt get frustrated at us. He wants us. He wants us to cry to Him. He wants us to be drawn closer to Him. So be encouraged, God loves you. :)
Pretty much went on a major tangent but meh, its my blog ;).
Um so what to talk about OH so there have been earthquakes in my country which has been rather frightening for the people in Christchurch and this nation. Please pray for the city. Please pray God has mercy and comforts those who need it.

Well think I'll keep it short today. Will update again soon though.
Love H

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