Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hey blogger world.
Firstly I want begin by giving a shout out to my dear mother who is celebrating her birthday today. Thankyou mum (she'll never read this but oh well) for everything. Thankyou for making me laugh in painful situations. Thankyou for always giving me sound counsel (even when I dont want to hear it). Thankyou for picking up on my slackness (grabbing my apron for me at 5.58am after Id thrown it who-knows-where the night before). Thankyou for your kisses and hugs even when I protest. Thankyou for guiding me, encouraging me to always go to Christ, to love Him more than yourself. Thankyou for the many hours shared in my brothers room singing along to Hillsong and Misty at the top of our lungs. Thankyou for your passion, for your faith, for your leadership. Thankyou for being not only my mum, sister in Christ, but also my best friend. (tearing up now lol)

Anyway how have you all been? My sincere apologies for not making time to update last month. Life has been busy I'd admit but I know I need to make this more of a priority. Just had a thought. Isn't it funny how the things we want in life we never actually make time for? Example for me is this blog. I think its rather important to update this but I never seem to do so. I waste time doing other things (not all the time mind you, like I am a busy girl, dont get me wrong), but like I should MAKE time to write. Just a thought.
So last month was bittersweet to sum up into a word. (Im not even sure if that word really applies but meh I'm gonna use it anyway). Not sure how to really say this.
Sigh. On Friday, 19th August, I arose early and headed outside towards Bunnys cage. I found the dear thing in a wee state. He was limping and part of his right ear was bleeding. I immediatly picked him up and held him close. He seemed to be in shock and it was obvious a neigbourhood cat had somehow got to him through the netting. Bunny's neievity had gotten him into strife. He was too trusting. Even to cats. I took him inside and cleaned up his ear. By mid morning he had been returned to his cage with extra netting. Unfortunately I had to go out that day, but mum had informed me he had stopped limping and was back to his 'hyper' self by the end of day. I was so pleased.
Saturday. 10am. As I approached Bunny's cage I already felt something was up. There was no movement. This was very unusual. What I found I would rather not put into words. Our dear, sweet rabbit was no more. I stood in shock for what seemed like hours before I paced inside and informed the family. We were devastated.
So that my friends is why I put 'bitter'. Not that Im bitter about it. It was upsetting but he had a good wee life with us. And who knows mayb he'll be in heaven. I've actually read accounts about people finding beloved pets in heaven. So I can hope :)
Now the sweet part. Gotta end on a positive note. Five days later, I celebrated 5 years rocking with Jesus. Yes it has now been five years since that wonderful day I gave my life over to god. Was amazing. SO that day I celebrated. I prayed. I worshipped. I read His word. And mum made me a cake. Isnt she sweet? (ooh theres that word again tehe :) ).
So that my friends is why it was a bittersweet month :). My way of explaining bittersweet anyway haha.
What else? Well a friend and I have decided to start up Pilates. So I bought a few dvds off TradeMe and have also been using youtube. Its really good! I love it. Its easy to do. Isnt weather dependant. Not that Im overly concerned as the weather has been awesome! Its Spring now yay! And we have made goals to do it twise a week and we are having to keep each other accountable! SO yeah so good.
Anyway gtg Im kinda in a rush now haha.
Laters my lovely people. Jesus loves you as do I!
PS Last month I wrote about the Daniel Fast I was doing. I wanted to inform you all that it went well. It didnt last as long as I had hoped but it was still really good and I have a new understanding of my body and what I ought to be putting in my temple. I have Holy Spirit living inside of me and I need to respect that. Yes spiritually but also physically I need to look after myself. I have gone completely health crazy (I almost wanted to go vegan haha), but have been reading The Makers Diet which has shown me a fair bit about what is good and not so good. FYI Meat is good haha. Anyway thought Id better mention that :)

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