Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September baby!!

Hey folks so here I am, offically an adult! I have left my teen life forever..okay writing 'forever' makes it a little bit scary! I am never gonna be a teen again! Mind you, I'm never gonna be a twenty year old again so I may aswell make the most of it!
Anywaay I have wrote two blogs this month, are you proud!? Now this probably wont happen every month so dont get mad! Right so on the 17th I celebrated my twentieth birthday and I'm actually gonna include pictures! Woo! I can hear your excitment! :D
I started my day arising at 6.30 am (yes on my day off!) and spent time in Word and watched the sun rise. It was gorgeous and definately worth getting up for.

This is me enjoying my birthday cake. It was devine. Mother made me a blackforest gatuex. Have I mentioned how much I love dark chocolate.

One of my dear friends Laura took me out for morning tea. I had a beetroot and cardomon cake. (I know lots of cake!). I was truelly excited. I have eyed this cake from our local restaurant for two weeks prior but was never game to buy it. Obviously the calories are shocking though in saying that, beetroot is a vegetable..tehe. Anyway heres the picture of beauty. Laura also bought a piece of banana cake :)

Then Laura and her sister Jess came over to my house and we ate lots of fruit with you guessed it, dark chocolate fondue :) Was really good. So we just hung out really. I was quite gutted to not have a guitar in the house. Usually we have a wee sing-song (my friends and I are very much into music and singing and playing and all that good stuff) but alas when my oldest brother left to Auz he took his with him. We really ought to invest in one just to have around. Obviously I dont play (I'm sure I've shared my lack of musical abilities..atleast with instruments), but having one in the house again may encourage me to learn (not likely). I'd love to learn but I know me and I know that good intentions only go so far. Atleast it's proven that way thus far. It could change ;). I mean here I am writing my second entry this month :p. Anyway as my friends were leaving my friend Rindy came over with her wee dog Scout ;) He's gorgeous. She wasnt able to come earlier as she was watching her poor nana who hasnt been well. She's much better now, thank Jesus. So that was a really lovely surprise :).

He's a golden retriever and he's kinda huge to be honest. But absolutely delightful. Where was I.. Oh yes so that night I had a lovely tea with my family. We had lots of laughs as I made my brothers video like EVERYTHING. You see I'm usually the one holding lenses in peoples faces birthdays but on mine there is no recording whatsoever. Obviously I can't record myself so I made my brothers do it. They did a pretty good job actually :)
After tea (or dinner in the US) we watched the film Karate Kid. The new one with Will Smith's son as the lead. He did a pretty good job. And my brother Joe looked into it and told me that all the stunts were actually done by him. That is pretty amazing if you ask me. That is one tough kid. I would definately reccommend this version.
So overall my twentieth was rather charming. I still very much look and act like a young child bur in all honesty who actually doesnt. It's funny looking back on life and thinking about being twenty. Heck even 18 seemed old and now I'm two years past. It's so crazy! I cannot beleive how quick these last few years have gone since finishing high school.Who knew I'd still be at home and working in a bakery. Not that I'm complaining. I know I'm meant to be here and I know there is a season coming that will be too crazy for words. (Bring on Revival whoop whoop!).
Right well I have to bid you farewell for now bloggers. This entry wasnt as long as I'd hoped but I have recipe which I'll post soon hopefully :D. The whole uploading photos thing is actually rather tricky but I'm keen as a bean to try again!
So have an awesome month!
Love H

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