Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hey folks!
Happy October! I just love this month! The weather's like really starting to heat up and summer is on its way! Heck today I was like wearing a tanktop (dont worry its modest) and we had a family bbq! It was lovely! Anyway I'm gonna update again another day but first I want to upload more photos (woo!) and a recipe :)
So one day during my Daniel fast. I had a massive craving for muffins. Obviously I couldn't have sugar etc so this wasnt possible during the fast. I also really wanted banana and kumera (sweet potato in your world)..together! So I jumped on google and totally found a Banana and Sweet Potato Muffin recipe! Woo! I actually found a few I'll admit so it wasnt as uncommon and unique as I first thought :) Anyway here is the recipe and my attempts of making it :) FYI I made this after my fast :D

Sweet Potato and Banana Muffins


1 1/3 cups flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups mashed sweet potatoes
2/3 cup mashed banana
1/4 cup melted butter
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup toasted chopped pecans

1. Well grease 2 dozen muffin tins.
2. In a medium bowl, combine flour,sugar,baking powder,allspice,salt.
3. In a large bowl, combine potatoes,melted butter, bananas,eggs and milk, blend well.
4. Add to flour mixture and stir,add pecans and stir just till blended.
5. Fill cups 2/3 full.
6. Bake 400 for 20 minutes.

I used orange kumera as I was told it is sweeter. I suppose in America you have other varieties which may work better.

These are the dry ingredients. Sugar, flour, baking powder, allspice and salt.

Now I'll admit I cheated. I put the kumera in a bowl of water into the microwave and nuked it. I doubt it makes much difference really but who am I to know, I'm just a baker ;)

I didn't have pecans on hand so I used walnuts instead :) Just as tasty :)

I laugh at this container of baking powder. It just looks so cute. Edmonds is a very popular brand in New Zealand. :)

The bowl on the right is the milk, melted butter, eggs and mashed banana. Not sure why I didnt have a photo of that mix. Probably over taking photos at that point haha.

Mix that baby up!

And voila into the cups and into the oven.

Tehe I got impatient. Honestly who can resist a fresh muffin straight from the oven. Pure bliss. Betcha wondering how it tuned out? Well if you can imagine a carrot cake yet with a hint of parsnippy goodness then that is how it tasted. I know strange right. But I kid you not thats how it went. Wont lie I may have eaten two.. thankgoodness for pilates! Woo.

Anyway lovely peeps thanks for reading and how about giving this odd treat a try. You wont regret it :)

(Credit to a chef called Shirl (J) )

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