Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Its December

Yes it is December and it has been for twenty days but it only really hit me a while ago. In my mind Christmas was still months away! I thought I had plenty of time! Turns out I only have like two shopping days left (beacause I can only get into town once a week!)and this is kinda freaking me out. In saying that however, all the fuss and traditions that go on over this season has made me realise just how much goes into trying to make one day, yes one day, perfect. Like I love all the commercialism that goes on, dont get me wrong. Im a sucker for cheesey advertisments and films that are put out every year but I'm annoyed that in a way thats all my little head thinks about at times. It can be so easy to get consumed in all the hype. The food, the music, the presents, the tree...it can all be a bit too much for ones mind. Like even as Christians we can sometimes get too caught up in the worlds portrayal of Christmas. I certainly know I can. I want my mind to be focused on Him this Christmas and for all the Christmases to come.
It can be easy to write "Remember Jesus is the reason for this season" in every Christmas card we send, but how many of us really acknowledge the birth of our Saviour? Now I'm not saying this to try and make you feel bad or whatever, I guess this is more an expression of how I'm feeling this season and it hurts me a little. I dont wanna get caught up in all the rubbish. I'm not anti. Please dont think Im just gonna disregard everything this season. I guess my plea and prayer is that we all enjoy the season, dont get too stressed, but remember as we celebrate that it's our Bridegrooms birthday. We are celebrating the birth our dear Jesus. The day should be about Him. Not about the tree, not about the money spent on all the presents, not about all the food sprawled out over the table which only causes one to become bloated and consider the next year's resolutions. Its about Him. Jesus.

Lol random photo with a few Candy Canes. Didyas know that the candy cane is representive of what Jesus did for us? The red represents His blood and the white is to show how His blood cleanses us from our sins and makes us pure.

Joy to the world. The Lord has come. Let earth receive their King.

Well I wasn't sure what this entry was gonna be about but I am happy with the result. I'll do an update next time.
Love H x

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