Thursday, March 18, 2010


Figured that mayby if I simply put a month as my title then ill def update like every month. I know its not as often as i would like but hey, i am busy and i need to be realistic! (hmm perhaps i should have made it my goals to write on this..ah well).
So lately things have been ultra busy! I'm working three jobs, (not as bad as it sounds haha) and leading youth group (which i know I've mentioned!) and well those things are pretty much taking up all my time! SO here i am at 1.30am writing on my blog.
To be honest I'm not sure what I'll write. Usually my blogs are rather negative, and I dont particuarly want to rant on about something in my life right now. Im in a rather positvie mood.
Yes I'm writing about the weather er season but same thing..kinda. Ya know how when things are real like going nowhere in a convo, and so either party brings up that weather? Yes I'm doing just that right now tehe. Except two things, this isnt a conversation so it cant like not go anyway (excuse all my like puncutaion etc btw) and secondly, I talk the weather cos i like it tehe. I love warm windy days, pounding rain on the rooftop days, and then those days when the sun is just peeking through the clouds, wanting to surprise you with it's wonderful warmth, but afraid of all the grey, angry clouds surrounding it :D Yes the weather of autumn (or fall for most of yous :p). Bliss. Even when the leaves die, I get excited! And that sounded weird but i dont care atm.
hmm tired will fin this tomorrow or saturday :)
So I'm back and its Saturday by the way :) Had such a busy day. Last night I recieved a phonecall from my boss asking me to work this morning. So i was up at 6 and when I finished, I then went to do some fundraising by stacking wood for a local farmer. There was soo much! ah well it's all for a good cause! :)
Now where was I? Ah yes, so am still loving the weather we're having at the mo.Its soo warm and here we call it like an Indian summer, cos its supposed to get soo much cooler, but surprisingly its still rather warm :)
Right im just gonna write 5 things to be thankful for (Ashley you've inspired me by your Thankful thursdays )
So heres mine
1. This is gonna sound kinda lame, but Im thankful for the internet. It's how I keeps in touch with friends, meet new people and fellowship with other believers :)
2. I'm thankful for my family. I mean sure they get on my nerves on more than one occasion, but heck they've always been there for me and well I know they're never let me down. I really ought to show them more, how much i appreciate their patience especially, with me.
3. I'm thankful for where I live. I mean its a new country. It doesnt have like dangerous predetors and heck spiders here are like harmless (except for the white-bait ;) (inside joke btw) spider) but aside from that, New Zealand is a beautiful and pretty safe country. Thankyou Lord!
4.I'm thankful for food. Its great! lol
5.Oh heck my friends! I'm indeed thankful for their loving natures, and their caring souls. I can say the stupedest thing and it doesnt matter. They get me (most of the time haha)I just wish my close ones, lived closer to me (lol bad er grammer), cos i dont get to see them much-hense me living internet lol.

well thats my list. heck ive been slack lately eh
hope all is well people!
till next time, sorry for annoying yous with my bad spelling and punctuation!
God bless


  1. Well, who cares about punctuation when you're being positive? I mean honestly, lol, you gotta just roll with the punches, and take 'em as they come. ;) I am a rather negative, pessimistic individual myself, so I know what it is like to have to take advantage of the positive moments in life, haha!

    I'm glad the weather is going well for you, it's actually beautiful over here in States as well, just coming out of winter and into spring(I don't know how that works, lol). But anyhow, it was good to get an update from you! How is everything with the youth group going?


  2. Hey sorry for late replying!
    Thanks for the comment I appreciate it, and no i really should spell check etc more often (bit too slack aye ). and aww yes thats right, cos the seasons are like opposite to us. Its quite cool, cos ill be talking to friends in the States and they'll be telling me about weather etc, and its still like weird aye. Amzing how the er system, if you will, works.
    Yeah it's good to be positive. It can be soo easy to complain or pick at our problems in life, but I know God wants us to be happy, ya know, so i thought i should well take advantage of that, as you say :)
    YOuth group is going real well! We have Easter Camp in a week and I'm soo excited. Theres like 45 people coming with us (and my town is like flippin tiny btw-like 190 in the local high school!) and so we're really excited to have such a large group attending the camp. We've had to do alot of fundraising but I know it will be well worth it :)
    Hos um life with you? are you studying or something btw? :)


  3. Life is . . . hmm, crazy? Haha, yeah, that is a pretty good depiction of my life recently. A good kind of crazy. God has been doing so many things it's remarkable. Don't get me wrong, the struggles are just as strong and difficult, but instead of just having to deal with the struggles, I also have God doing some really flippin' awesome things! So, that's definitely a plus.

    Am I studying anything? No, not yet. I think college is somewhere there in the future, but not yet. God is kind of just taking me through the business world it seems. In fact, I might actually be taking a manager's position where I work, so that would really be huge, especially in regards to the amount of money I'd be making. But we'll see. I never really wanted this, I actually can't stand the business world, but if God wants to use me in it, then so be it, you know what I mean? And hey, I'm not going to complain about a much more sizeable paycheck! Haha. So, I yeah that about sums it up. Aside from the revelations God has been giving me in regards to writing, and how awesome and powerful it can be. I'm excited to see what God does with that too. Check out my blog, and you're sure to see it for yourself, haha. God bless. ;)


  4. Haha okay will def check out your blog Fox! Looks like your raking in the money then :) hope you save it all lol.
    Yeah writing is def a powerful thing! Thats awesome that your seeing God move heaps in your life. YEs struggles and what not are unfortunately what we all have to go through. but ah well.
    I also am not at university as you would know from reading my blog lol. I may go in future (though very unlikely) but will see.
    God bless
