Monday, May 24, 2010

Magnificent May

So here i am doing my monthly update! Outside it is pouring down with rain :) and I quite like it. So its been an interesting month. Quite an enjoyable one to be honest :)
So at the moment I am officially a bum (meaning Im doin nothing lol). No I didnt get fired..not yet anyway just kidding! You see a few weeks ago I went to stay at my bros house, cos he needed a hand, as my sister-in-law went to hospital (thank Jesus she's algood now) and on the first night i was there, I had an accident. You see I was just about ready to cut the pumpkins and so i asked my older bro for a sharp knife. Instead he took over (obviously thought his little sister couldnt do it :p) and then once pumpkin was all chopped up, he pretented to cut me with the knife. But instead of it stopping just before getting my hand, it carried on and left a lovely effect on my right index finger. My bro felt soooo bad aye! There was blood everywhere. Dont worry though it not too major. It did go partway through a tendon though and so i not able able to work for three weeks...hense me mentioning that I'm now a bum lol I am thankfully covered by ACC (its like a benefit kinda thing) so yeah its been pretty sweet to be honest :)
I never really know what to put in this blogs aye. To me they dont seem at all very interesting. hmmmm
Well last month I did say I would put pics of lovely random things so I will endeaver to do that. I also said I wasnt going to complain, so I'm not going to hehe
Ummmmm God is good :) He really is. It amazes me like how He puts up with me.(so this is kinda half a complaint lol) Like I'm just so like a sea thats been tossed to and fro, ya know, like I very much dislike how one day everythings great and then the next....well not so lovely. I guess I've just got to learn that us humans are prone to changing; but its okay as long as we always look to the one who never changes. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's forver merciful, yet just. Forever loving, forever wanting His children in His arms.
It's funny the other day I mentioned to my mum that my prayer of late is to just fully understand what Jesus went through on the cross. Like my desire is to know, to comprehend what He did for us, because of His great love for us. Mum wasnt too pleased. She thought that I wanted to suffer like He did. But I didnt mean that...well not really should i it'd be awesome to suffer for Christ... but like I just want to better understand what Jesus had to go through, willingly, just for us...just for me :,( Does that make sense fellow bloggers? :) I wish to just know. :)
How great is our God, sing with me , How great is our God! How great, How great is our God! That is the chorus from a song by Chris Tomlin. One of my favourite songs in fact :) I put that here cos I just want to encourage you to find a place of solitude so you can soak in the great presence of God! Girls and guys , time with God is so sooo important. I know it can be hard sometimes. But dont give up, or give in should i say. Sometimes you wont feel like praying, or worshipping or getting into His Word but god never said it was gonna be easy. You may have to deny yourself, deny your feelings, and take up your cross and follow Him. Be encouraged dear friends. Jesus is there, He never left, He's there with open arms :)
Right here are some pictures :)Have a great start to June friends.
P.S I think this song may have influenced me a wee bit in my prayer life.
Pss Im craving a coffee right now :) and these are indeed just random pics from my folder and from google images :) So atm looking at photos a guinea pigs on google (i used to have pet guinea pigs when i was a child) and am disgusted at the amount of pics showing cooked guinea pigs.....ughhhhhhh :( So sad!

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