Monday, July 5, 2010


Hey Folks
I have to apologise as I'm late with the June blog and have therefore joined June and July.
Wow so whats been happening wiht me??? Hmm well I'm officially back to work now. It's pretty sweet. I quite missed working at the old peoples to be honest. They're all just so sweet in their quirkey,old way lol. One lady who has just come to live a Moreh (name of Old Peoples HOme) as she recovers from an accident, is very really quite interesting. You see I met her about a week before I started back, when i was with a friend (he knows her from way back) and so then since then she keeps like talking to me all the time, telling me stories etc lol Then yesterday, she was like "I have something for you" and then handed me an orange and a Moro (chocolate) bar. Was sooo cute :D
So Fifa World Cup...what have you guys all thought of it? I'm was super exctied aye Ive watched quite a few games aye. Was mega cool being off work as I could get up early for the good games without worrying, ya know :) (Games here in NZ were screening at 11.30 pm, 2am and 6.30am) So yeah the reason i put "was" rather than "is" super excited, is because unfortunately for me, I am working while the finals are on! Yeap sooo sad! But I have a plan...I'm going to ask if the staff would kindly put the radio volume down(so I do not hear any scores) and then when i head home I'll watch the replay. :) Lets hope it works aye. I mean this only happens every four years! SO btw who do you's think will win? :) I'm going for Spain, but I don't mind either way :)Be cool to hear what you guys think :)
Um what else? So to be honest it's been hard lately. Like life in general. I'm in a constant battle with my emotions (though in saying that when are we not?). I don't know whats wrong with me. I just feel like spirtually, I'm going no where. Sigh I dont know whats happening. I'm just I don't know, going through a bit of strife aye
But yeah I'll be okay. I hope.
Um think I'll let this be a short blog. Have a good month :)

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