Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You get two posts this month!!

So I know I just published a post but I wanted to do another one. This one is all about my holiday and a few random pieces of information that may tickle your fancy (cliched I know!) Let me start by saying that the first few days of my holiday were jam-packed with many different activities involving a few of my closest friends. It involved movies, birthday parties, laughing, eating, poker, Kath and Kim, Sherlock Homes, music, and more. I was truelly blessed to spend time with all these people and catch up with those friends I hadnt seen in more than half a year. Thankfully I had time to breathe before I was whizzed away to my brothers house, atleast a four hour drive away. The town where my brother lives is tiny. Really small. It's literally a main street and some houses. Not that I'm complaining. It was just what I needed to relax. To take a breather. This probably makes me sound like I live a really hectic life..which I dont. And I almost felt guilty for taking a holiday in the first place to be fair. But enough people had told that I had worked waay too much. Which was probably their way of saying "We never see you..!" Anyway I keep getting side-tracked. I tend to always want to write with some kind of order, but I should know better. I have a spontaneous mind. And its no wonder I only have three followers ;) Anyway I had already organised with my sister-in-law to stay for the week, as she needed a babysitter for my nephew Logan. I also dragged my brother Mikey along as I knew Logan would need that constant attention, (he's a now a big five-year-old). My youngest nephew went with his mummy to work (the daycare) and Daniel, my brother, works at a local dairy farm where he does crazy hours, like getting up at 2.15..yuk! So the majority of the days it was just the boys and I. It was really lovely though. The first few days we explored the town (it honestly didnt that long ;p). Across the road from my bros house stands this huge hill, which quickly became our favourite place to go.
My darling nephew Logan basking in the evening sun. (on "The hill")
Mikey and I making funny faces. Or atleast I'm making a funny face, down by the river. (Down by the ole river...). We spent a bit of time here cooling off. Did I get sunburn, you ask? Yup and Im proud of it :)
Another way to cool down. Thankgoodness I brang my Bar Method dvds with me. I think I also ate my weight in chocolate. Not that it is an unusual thing for me to do ;)
Benjamin. Cute.
Tell me those clouds do not spetacular. Almost everynight you'd hear me asking Mikey and Logan, "To the hill?" It's quite funny really. I really do beleive that hill has something very special about it. Hopefully one day I'll be able to go back. You see my brother wants to move back our way, and so the likelihood of going there again is pretty small. What with going back to work next week etc. Sad really. But hey thats why ya take photos right? To capture the 'pretty' we see in life. Those moments that grip our minds can be relived through a simple photograph. Ah thankyou God for inventing the camera. Or atleast giving man the ability to make it ;) Like any holiday, the time spent at my brother's went really quick. I was sad to leave but happy to be home. Nothing quite like mum's cooking :) Anyway my holiday isn't quite over yet. I still have another four days of freedom wooo :) I think the next few days will be filled with the "Summer List" activities (heres hoping). Though to be honest I'm not gonna stress over completing the list by Monday. Its really not a huge deal. Atleast I keep trying to tell myself that. Right before I give up and just post this baby, I'm gonna get to the "Random." I dont know why I dont post more random things on here. Thank the Lord I do not have Pinterest or whatever its called. It's be about as addicting as twitter. Yes I have a twitter btw. You can find it by googling HannahIta16 twitter. Its way more up to date than this. Obviously. But anyway enough rambling about that. So lately, as in the last week or so, I have been somewhat facinated by the Effiel Tower. I'm not sure what brang about this random interest. But I'm like obsessed. Check this
Isnt it gorgeous. I just wanna throw myself into the picture. Its weird aye. I'm tempted to make it my background image to be honest. I already have it on my twitter page haha. Like I said I'm not sure what's brang about this sudden interest but hey I dont mind. The say Paris is the place of romance. Perhaps I'll meet my future husband upcoming days. (pfft yeah right! Im so content being single right now..see last post). Anyway what else has been capturing my mind right now, you ask? These songs. I think these songs are really inspiring. Demi is inspiring. I love her. Enough said. This book series.
Also I plan on reading The Hunger Games ASAP. My friend just bought the series and could not put them down. I'm pretty excited to get into them. And then plan on seeing the film as soon as it is out.
Blueberries. Random I know. But c'mon who can resist? Plus I have a fantastic recipe for a blueberry cheesecake that I'm dying to make.And yes I will be uploading ;) Right I think thats enough for now. I say that because I've been writing this post for like five hours. Isnt that sad! Right till next love yas!

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