Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas is just round the corner...:D

Hey all! Hope everyone is well, so have once again taken ages to write back but alas i have had no time! But now freedom calls, and I am ready to take hold of her wings!
ok so we dont actually use the word "graduate" in New Zealand but cos both my followers are from US, i thought i would put it in :) SO last Thursday we had our Award Ceremony/Graduation erm Ceremony lol It was pretty good, i must admit and also rather sad, I definately felt teary eyed. I mean heck it would have been like the last time Im together with these people :( BUt yeah so schools offically over...atleast i hope like heck it is. I cannot remember if I last time mentioned that I had to finish an assignment for history and its been a real pain in the butt lol BUt anyway I finished it and have emailed it to my teacher, but alas, he has not emailed me back :( SO am wondering how it is and if I did okay on it...
Youth Group Break Up
Ok so not sure if i also mentioned that we do have a youth group here but not like a church and so this year it really fired up, with meetings and events almost every fortnight..its been great! and so on Saturday we had our breakup cos we not gonna continue in the holidays. It really was a lovely night! We played all sorts of games and ate good food - chips and icecream anyone. An example of a good game is where every sits round the table and then you go around the circle and have to figure out if you are either Option 1: two down Option 2:two up Option 3: one up, one down and so you go around the circle many times, because your option can change and so for a few turns I tried to fgure out which one i was. Eventually I figured out (after over half the group had discovered the trick) that it has to do with your arms! and so if you have both hands lik down on your lap then your Two Down, and say at your turn you happened to scratch your ear with one of your hands then you'd be One Up, One Down. It really was fun and if that doesnt really make sense just leave like a commment lol
Christmas Shopping
Okay so i have to admitt I'm probably like the worst Christmas shoppers around! Lets just say i tend to have this prob where i cant remember what ive bought, or even what i have in my trolley! Its honestly really bad. At one point I had in my trolley all for my little brother a belt, a t-shirt and was about to grab a Hannah Montana dvd (yes hes a boy who loves Hannah!- must be the name :D) when i realised I'll def be his new fav sister (even if he does have one ;) ) as i was gonna end up with three separate presents for him! sigh..hmm mayby its because i havnt been so prepared this year. You see i usually have most of the Christmas gifts covered by like the start of December, but alas my education has deprived me from this! lol SO yes dont go shopping with me peeps, or unlike my bro whom i was shopping with that arvo remind me i already have gifts for that particular individual! Happy shopping bloggers!
Weather in NZ
okay so weather has been delightfully crazy lately. its goes hot one day, cold the next, humid the day after. It really is interesting I must ask "What do you have up in your sleeve, GOd?" As Im sure everyone knows in the last days the weather will be rather hectic! and im sure this is only the beginning! remind me to post a few photos up later (am at my friends house atm, so havnt got photos on this comp).
ME and my friend Steph went to a lovely ladies 50th last night. it was grand, we played games and nibbled at seasonal delicasies like fruit tarts, and chocolate almonds bliss! (if peeps havnt realised im crazy over food, hmm perhaps ill post some of my erm interesting concoctions later on) and then later we watched movies until 3 am so yes am p tired though will admitt my usual bed time is like 2am atm . my bad.
right am tired, i promise to post those photos later!
till next time! God bless


  1. I'm with ya there! I am terrible at Christmas shopping! A complete a total fail! =P

    I still have two years left in school...sigh. =P

    Oh, this is Heather from Susie'sMag, by the way. =)

  2. hey girl thanks for following! tehe yay! and yeah i went again today...yeah we shall not talk about that lol!
    lol enjoy school while you can lol
