Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Hey everyone so I hope you've had a great New Year Celebration! Right now its 2pm and we are witnessing the annual parade that goes through our small town. Heres a photo of the event. To be quite honest it doesnt interest me that much. I'd much prefer to leave and go on a lovely drive somewhere in my beautiful country , but my youngest brother insisted we stay home for it and because it goes past our street, they block the road so we cant leave..sigh. anyway I guess i should appreciate it a little more, i mean vintage cars and tractors are what makes this town.
Anyway people, do you have any New Year Resolutions?
Here are mine (atleast I think these will be mine, i havnt properly thought it through just yet):
1. Lose 8kgs (according to the BMI thingy, i'm overweight for my height :(, yeah i wasnt too happy about that.
2. To finally get my license ( I know i'm 18 but still havnt got it yet lol)
3. Save money for my friends wedding which is in Dec this year (2010)lol
4.Try and have an actual bedtime.
5. To live each moment as if it was my last, but remember to think about God's view on my actions.

SO yeah enjoy the celebrations! God bless you all!


  1. I haven't really made a New Year's resolution yet. It still doesn't feel like Christmas should have some yet, so I'm way behind. I guess I just want to learn to "Live for today" and "Live life loud. God bless you, Francescajonny

  2. yeah i agree Christmas went by like soo quickly! I like the Live Life Loud, that's by Hawk Nelson aye? yeah and living for today is definitely a must. I'm feeling that especially at the moment as I'm struggling with like looking at my future and what not, but need to realise it's in GOds hands aye. anyway hope you're wel. God bless! Hannah
