Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry belated Christmas

Hey bloggers sorry im late with this one and also apologies as this wont have any photos with it..hmm though may post later. So for most of yous, actually all of you's, it'd be the day after christmas which in New Zealand we call Boxing Day. This is bacause most presents (back in the day) were put in boxes. Then on December 26 boxes used would be taken to local tradesmen who would then take those boxes and use them the rest of the year in their trade. Say transporting milk. Really though (in my opinion) it's kinda similar to America's Black Friday, as its the biggest day for retailers and their sales. Personally my family and I are resting on December 26 from all that Christmas food!;)
Anyhow has everyone had a good Christmas? I sure did, even if it was like the hottest day so far this summer. Honestly it was insane. I felt sure sorry for mother who pretty much spent most of the day in the hot kitchen, (i did offer help, i'm not that selfish lol) and my oldest nephew was running about with no top on. But aside from the heat, we all had lovely day even if no one was interested in my dinner table games sigh..
But guess what? i learnt something from this Christmas, now isn't tha something ;). Well its not to be soo selfish! It is much better to give than to recieve, even though our flesh doesnt always agree. Chrisstmas is about showing Christ's love, especially in the gifts you give and due to not recieving as many as i would have hoped (yeah i know! not good!) i definately learnt that this year. You see after i unwrapped all mine and then moved to taking photos of my family members's new items, I felt rather proud seeing my purchases being passed round in admiration, and it just makes ya feel good ya know. It just shows that making an effort for others can really come through and bring you joy, even if dont get anything (in the physical) out of it.
and well i will include some photos btw, but i'll think ill leave the writing part to that. Sorry this short, but am tired as usual.
oooh has anyone seen The Lovely Bones? Is it good?

This my oldest nephew amongst the gifts and torn paper. so cute!
Next is the wee gift i bought for my youngest nephew Benjamin, these shoes are gorgeous and so tiny! :)
Following that is delicious Ferrero Rocher chocolate, the dark chocolate one is devine!
and next is ornament on our tree :D.
Enjoy holidays people oh and Happy New Year!

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